Fancy Yarn

Which yarns have deliberate imperfections are known as fancy yarn. Now a day’s fancy yarn is very demandable yarn because its defect frees yarn which is considered to be premium product. The production procedure of fancy yarn is different than normal yarn. Fancy yarn is very demandable due to its special aesthetic which imparts new characteristics. Normally fancy yarns used to make high fashion garments and also carpets, curtains, upholstery fabrics and many more.
Fancy Yarn
To manufacture fancy yarns ring spinning is succeed. Rotor spinning is very economical than ring spinning to produce fancy yarns. To produce fancy yarns in rotor spinning machine there is many ideas which we can apply. There are some conventional devices which control the speeds of mechanical elements of rotor spinning machine. The latest rotor spinning machines rpm is 100000 and its very high speed machine. But the conventional machines rpm is limited. Although there is a new approach to produce fancy yarn on rotor spinning machine.


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