
Texturisation is the process by which flat filaments are distorted to have crimps, coils, curls or loops along their length to achieve bulk and greater absorbency.

Basic principal of texturisation: Texturisation is performed in three steps:
  1. To heat the yarn plastic condition.
  2. To impart the required shape of filament.
  3. To cool it to retain the shape.
  1. Crease resistance.
  2. Better appearance.
  3. Higher absorbency and better perspiration conductivity.
  4. Better air permeability.
  5. More flexible.
  1. Decrease abrasion resistance.
  2. Creates hairiness of fiber.
  3. Create problem in laundering.
Process of texturisation:
  1. False twist method.
  2. Stuffer box method.
  3. Gear box method.
  4. Knit-de-knit method.
  5. Stress-curled method.
  6. Air-jet method.
Classification of textured yarn:
  1. Stretch yarn:
    1. Property: High extensible. Less bulk.
    2. Process of texturisation: False twist method.
    3. End use: Socks, swimming costume.
  2. Modified stretch yarn:
    1. Property: Intermediate between stretch and bulk yarn.
    2. Process of texturisation: False twist method.
    3. End use: Carpet, upholstery.
  3. Bulk yarn:
    1. Property: High bulk, less extensible.
    2. Process of texturisation: Air-jet, shuttle box.
    3. End use: Carpet, Garments.

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